Mango OS

Microsoft has come a long way when it comes to mobile devices. In recent years, theirs phones, in my opinion have been majorly lacking. To sum it up, the phones I've had experience with have been nothing but meticulous, confusing, and a waste of time, and have honestly made me legitimately angry. Although, in its time, was innovative, Microsoft was missing the point of a mobile device. Rather than making it relatively simple and easy to use they made it way too much likes my personal computer, except without a mouse. As of recent though, I can truly say I'm proud of Microsoft, they’ve added not only an aesthetic appeal to it but have a GUI, graphic user interface, that is clear and gets you where you’re going. In fact, I would describe it as beautiful. That’s exactly how I’d explain the new Windows Mango OS. But some say this new version is missing something. Something that goes beyond looks. The phone has been tested out and reviewers have said that it has a meager 30,000 apps. Compared to the barrier breaking 425,000 or 250,000 that the apple store and android store have. Apparently, it makes a big difference to the consumer, although, Windows has reported that “apps are for kids”. It seems to me that Windows doesn’t want their phones to sell. Smart phones without a thought has proven to be in the interest of and is exactly what interests, us, the kids, not our grandparents. We’re naturally a smart phones target group and if Windows doesn’t acknowledge this, I’m not sure how they plan to move forward. But maybe Windows just has a lack of app developers at their disposal, maybe they’re just trying to cover it up with a lame excuse. This misconception of marketing doesn’t throw The Mango out of the game though. In fact, they added something that wasn’t such-a-bad-idea. By implementing a compliment of social media accounts into one cohesive masterpiece of a platform. It accounts for a smoother, less invasive way of getting to all your contacts, whether from Facebook or twitter. Not only that, but some updates have been made. The Mango now includes visual voice mail and wifi hotspot connectivity. The best improvement in my opinion has been the awesome keyboard that they have. Rather than construing your words to mean something vulgar, in the way many iphones and androids do, it actually corrects your mistakes. Who knew?!

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