The Princess and the Frog
10:01 AM |
movie Review

Last week i saw this movie. It may seem a childish thing to do, watching a princess disney movie, but i couldn't help myself, i grew up loving all the disney princess and i wasn't going to let this one pass me by no matter how late it is. It was in fact the first black princess in all Disney history. no, Pocahontas didn't count. this princess is bonafied Black.
The movie was cute and had its hilarious moments as suspected from a Disney movie. it also included musical renditions from the characters that i recall seeing in past princess movies. the music and singing brought a small of remembrance from my childhood back to light. The princely character was a bit perplexing for me though. i was wondering the whole time what this prince could be prince of, cuz well.....he's BLACK and i know he wasn't African. Although charming, the prince was a lazy good for nothing that mooched off his parents and had his money taken away from the thrown. His frog princess though was the most hard working young lady in the bayou who was aspiring to make a wonderful palace like eatery through her cooking talents learned from her father as a child. The rich princess like character who looks for fairytale love all her life is one of young Tiana's (princess/main character) childhood friends who gets just about everything she wants from her fat daddy who becomes the king of mardi gras.
i felt there were some quirks about this movie though. The Shadow man as he was referred to was a voodoo master who turned the prince into a frog and his servant into the prince in order to marry Tiana's rich friend to gain all her money. the story line seems good enough but the elements of voodoo were troublesome for me and a bit spooky. i found it odd that disney would put such vulgar forms of demonism and over all foolishness into a childs movie. also, this movie was the first disney movie where a character died. that was odd in itself, but at the end, while i was SO sure somehow he was going to live because this was a DISNEY MOVIE, it showed the character ending up as a star in the night sky while everyone rejoiced. personally, i think that these ending were minutley biased towards what the others believe happens to the dead.
in it all, the movie was worth seeing and should be deemed equal to the rest of Disney's classic movies and hope maybe one day will end up in my own Disney classic vault.
Coming Soon
10:00 AM |
coming soon
Coming soon to the new blog:
1. interviews
2. movie reviews
3. weekend plans
4. goals
From the Get Go
7:59 AM |
well...those children on the phone from last night have been telling me that i need to refresh my blog, talking about how people in china are probably calling the people i would mention in my last blog. I don't really know about all that. i coulda sworn this thing worked on permissions. but maybe they're right. lol even my mom has been saying something about my blog, not that she's ever read it before, but you know.
To get a fresh start, i decided to call this blog, "HINODE". Meaning Sunrise. the sunrise is always beutiful no matter from what angle. It represents the beginging of a new day and better things to come. people don't know it, but they will always need a sunrise to tell them things will get better. it helps us to move forward, always bettering ourselves and becoming like a "tree of life." We won't forget what's happened in the past, no, we will cherish the memories, but in our moving ahead, we become at peace with the past and gain strength to handle the future.
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